Reach Out
Film Category
Live Action
Date and Time Submitted
Oktubre 15, 2021 nang 3:45:34 PM
Logline/Short Synopsis
A boy struggles with stagnancy after being isolated in his home for two years due to a seemingly endless pandemic, he looks for a way out.
Representative Name
Loreto, Kurt Harvey
University of Santo Tomas
Editors' Pool Head
Contact Number:
Currently Enrolled?
Email Address:
Tiger Media Network - Tiger TV
Director's Statement
Apart from this being my first experience in joining a film festival, I thought that the concept of telling a whole narrative through only three shots was an interesting challenge. I've always been intrigued by powerful and effective storytelling, and this festival allows me to have just that.
I would say I drew most of the inspiration from my and many other people's experience during the pandemic. I could imagine that everyone on a global scale just had the same problem of monotony, repetition and stagnation. This film was in a way, my expression of those same emotions.
As the title says, I want to encourage everyone to reach out. Oftentimes, people would simply never tell others about their struggles for the fear of being a burden to them. While there are good intentions, this could be a way of setting themselves up for self-destruction. Leaving all these emotions inside and not being able to vent and release these emotions could have people in worse situations.
Cast and Crew:
Writer, Director, Editor - Kurt Loreto
The Boy - Kurt Loreto
The Mother - Audrey Gaboya
The Teacher - Julianne Vigo