Film Category
Live Action
Date and Time Submitted
Oktubre 14, 2021 nang 11:37:03 AM
Logline/Short Synopsis
A woman experiences vote buying, where she is given money to buy her vote to ensure that the candidate wins. After she received the money, a message appeared in front of her: a small piece of paper on which it is written that you should not let other people buy your vote because everyone's vote is essential to change the system in your area. After she read the message on the paper, she immediately thought that the message on the paper that appeared in front of her was stating a fact.
Representative Name
Turen, Ma. Aizil Blues
San Sebastian College - Recoletos, Manila
Contact Number:
Currently Enrolled?
Email Address:
Association of Recollect Communicators
Director's Statement
Honestly, I was just invited by my friend to join. And when I saw the criteria, the pubmat, and anything else, I knew we could be one of those top 20. And I knew we could produce a film like this because it's kind of easy to join. So, I really worked hard to form a team and worked it all out.Â
It would sound cliche, but my inspiration for this film was my team and all of our families and friends, who will be so proud that we did this and when we got this. We are so positive about claiming and manifesting that we can win this because we literally have fun from the beginning.Â
As you watch it, we want people to be models of truth and integrity. Like, if they don't want to suffer from corruption and a poor government, our vote has meaning for our lives and for our future ones.Â
Cast and Crew:
Director - Ma. Aizil Blues Turen, Executive Producer - Diosalyn Bacolor, Assistant Producer - Samantha Trance, Director of Photography - Kaye Trisha Carandang, Scriptwriter - Juniel Joseph Alabe, Scriptwriter - Rachelle Dela Cruz, Editor - John Oscar Ocampo, Cast - Leorie Dayota, Cast - Adriana Louiza Tagapan, Cast - Kryselle Aquino, Cast - Given Grace Gupong, Cast - Allyssa De Castro, Cast - Zoya Mayordo, Production Assistant - Mariella Catuira, Production Assistant - Zamanta Quinto